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Chocolate Farm – Dominican Republic

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This week I was able to visit a beautiful Chocolate farm with the family I travel nanny for-you can too with Cabarete Coffee Tours! We got to make REAL hot chocolate. No powder involved! Dominican Republic is one of the largest producers of cacao beans in the world.

Dominican RepublicCacao Tree

The cacao beans grow in pods on trees in places where it is shady.Cacao Pods

Cocoa Farm Dominican Republic

Chocolate Plantation

They have a long pole with a sharp blade to cut down the pods.
Cacao Pod Insides

You can taste the pulpy insides, it tastes sweet and sour. It was very sticky. The beans are inside.Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Cacao Tree Cacao PodCacao Beans

They leave the beans in the sun to dry them out.

Cacao Beans

They cook them till the outer shell is crispy and loose.Cacao Beans Cacao Beans

Then, at the expense of your finger tips you peel off the paper like outer shell from the hot beans.Chocolate Plantation Cacao Beans

They add brown sugar, cocoa powder, water, fresh leaves from orange trees, whole cloves, and a stick of cinnamon.
Dominican Hot Chocolate

BEST hot chocolate you will EVER have!!!!Cocoa Farm Dominican Republic

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  1. Darcy says:

    Oh my goodness what an adventure 🙂 The process must be worth the end result.

  2. Hogga says:

    that looks like so much fun!

  3. The Drifters Blog says:

    That is the coolest post on cacao! I stayed at a cacao farm in Costa Rica a few years ago, but it was just overnight, and we left early the next morning. I never got to experience about this whole process, but wish I had stayed now!

  4. Anja Maria Philippe says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventures with us, Anna! I love your photo-journalism style and great attitude.

  5. Somewhere Salty says:

    Mmmmmmm I can almost taste the hot chocolate! Thank you for the great photos 🙂 I would love to have been there.

  6. Jonathan Danger Gibbons Phd says:

    Hey Anna,
    Serious thanks for all the updates, photos and links. I love that you take your blog so seriously and I'm sure I speak for all your followers when I say it brightens up our day 🙂
    You win at life and are a motivator to all! Please keep the posts coming.
    All the best!

  7. Edwin Planas says:

    Great experience, like the pictures and the explanation of the process. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. Lizi Tan says:

    besides ur cool adventures, love the sea activities, ur dares never fails to surprise us! Now? this is a learning new eye explorer to share. thanks Anna for ur lovely new finds & the little unknown processes which truly amazes

  9. Courtney says:

    Sounds like a very delicious adventure!!

  10. Petra says:

    One day I want to see this for myself. what a great adventure!

  11. Maile Gonzalez says:

    Girl you are an amazing inspiration to all of us! Many of us see the world through your eyes…and through your camera lens! lol! Thanks for sharing your journey. Thanks for bringing the world to us! 🙂

  12. M. Carmouche says:

    Awesome pictures! I loved how you deconstructed the process of real Hot Cocoa from bean to cup!

  13. Mary Fischer Carmouche says:

    Anna…I loved the pictures deconstructing the process from bean to cup! I bet that cup of Hot Cocoa had been delicious!! Thanks for posting and allowing us to see a glimpse of a world we might not be able to experience ourselves!

  14. Ana Bakker says:

    Wow! That looks amazing! The colors in these pictures is so rich, love them!

  15. Tamsin says:

    Awesome photos! I wanna try some!

  16. Rose Rodriguez says:

    You inspire me to travel the world and explore my full potential.

  17. Darcy says:

    Who knew it took so many steps? Great informational post, Anna. 🙂

  18. Liz Herrera says:

    This is amazing. This makes me want to travel to places like these! Thanks for the pictures

  19. Therese Gierens says:

    I really love all your pictures 🙂 First I read your blog when I still lived in Germany, but now that I live in the US it is soooo much more interesting and exciting to read all your post 🙂 I would love to travel the world and have some similair experiences 🙂
    Thanks for doing this 🙂 U give me so much motivation to do the same 🙂 Thanks <3.

    1. The Legendary Adventures of Anna says:

      Congratulations Therese!!! You have been randomly selected as the winner!!!!! Please message me ASAP with your address 🙂

    2. The Legendary Adventures of Anna says:

      Hi Therese, I am leaving for a trip so I really need to hear from you so I can get your coffee in the mail before I leave-please message me ASAP!

  20. Sam Qadir says:

    Beautiful pictures as always. And an excellent way to drink coffee.

  21. Ron | Active Planet Travels says:

    Reminds me of when I visit a small village off Isla Bastimentos in Panama. One of the locals there that barely spoke english, as friendly as could be, offered me a cup of brown tea. I learned from the guy that brought me there that this was fresh made Cacao tea, brewed that day. Was absolutely refreshing!

  22. Mark M says:

    Sounds like some incredible times. I would love to visit someday!

  23. Maya says:

    Thanks for sharing your pictures and adventure! Keep it up and hopefully you can turn it into a book!

  24. Christian says:

    Hi Anna,

    thank you not only for those pictures up there but for all of them on facebook as well. life enhancing experiences, definitely!

    btw, i loovveee coffee 😉

  25. Lisa Cavazos says:

    Does what she loves, and loves what she does!

  26. Shelley Twitchell says:

    I look forward to all your posts! And your pictures tell an awesome story. The green fruit in the picture, the one cut in half, is well known for it’s cancer killing properties. It’s amazing that it seems to be so common there. Thank you for sharing. Your page is my favorite on fb.

  27. Paul says:

    Very nice story line and pictures. You appear to live a very fun and interesting life. Enjoy!

  28. Karolina Florczak says:

    I have never seen cacao beans it's so amazing! I want visit this place!

  29. Kari A. Rolon says:

    Yum!! That sounds delicious! Very nice pictures of the process too 🙂

  30. Danik TravBuddy says:

    Great photos and always love reading your blogs. Smiles from the uk

  31. Teresa Nelson says:

    mmm. yum!

  32. Majdi Sheikh says:

    choose me !! ^_^

  33. Jeff says:

    Very impressed and saving for my own journey soon. Your path has been inspiring to follow. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Jesse Renda says:

    I’m here for the coffee….

    Bahaha kidding. Pictures look amazing, Anna. I know I don’t get the opportunity to say it when you’re in town but I am very proud of you. I love you Vawsey,


    Seriously, Sean and I are dying. We need. Coffee.

  35. Krissy Munzlinger says:

    awesome! would love to have hot chocolate and coffee in such a beautiful place! very nice pictures!

  36. Patty Hingst says:

    I think it's so awesome that you are getting to travel at such a young age. Godspeed!

  37. Cristina Valente says:

    Hi Anna! I am working 2 full time jobs! 80 hours a week with 4 hour gaps to take a nap in between both! All so I can visit Iceland and Thailand by the end of the year! I'll take any free coffee I can get to stay awake! Thanks!

  38. Andrew says:

    Have you done Africa yet?

  39. Angie Grzelak says:

    awesome traveling marketing! you're a pro that deserves to win!

  40. Deepali Nijhawan says:

    Have seen awesome places through your pictures 😉

  41. Deepali says:

    Because my husband loves his morning cup of coffee an why better than delicious shade grown Dominican Republic 😉

  42. Deepali says:

    Because my husband loves his morning cup of coffee and what better than delicious personalised shade grown Dominican Republic 😉

  43. Jose Galvez says:

    Awesome pictures thank yiu for sharing them with us! 🙂

  44. Jess Follis says:

    You make me want to get out in the world so badly.That's definitely something all your stories and these wonderful tales you tell through your photos has instilled in me, to make sure Julian sees the world and experiences more than just our culture.I love what you're doing baby girl.Keep it up. <3

  45. Francisco says:

    That sounds amazing! I’ve always wanted to go there along with New Zealand!

  46. Matthew Steven Cullom says:

    Very cool and informative, I hope you win Anna!!! Is that why chocolate is so expensive, because of the tedious labor involved with removal of the outer paper shell??? I was just curious…. Good luck and safe travels! 🙂

  47. Bobbi Lee Hitchon says:

    I really want to do something like this. I love coffee.

  48. Seth P. says:

    As someone who roasts their own coffee beans and even looked into roasting cocoa beans, I find this highly awesome and super great. I can only imagine how insanely good that hot chocolate tasted!

  49. Hannah says:

    this is seriously so cool 🙂

  50. Shawnda Wells says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your amazing travels – thank you for sharing them with us!!!! And take me with you to the DR!!! 🙂

  51. Gutyfhn Hgdjk says:

    Mmmm : P.

    1. Robin Stuart says:

      Love ya Mom

  52. Zlivan Gljivan says:

    Oh how I would love to be in your shoes. 🙂 Beautifull. I imagine that smells of coffee were amazing.

  53. Vanessa says:

    Loved the photos! It’s always so amazing to see where food comes from.

  54. Bill J. Humphrey says:

    Free coffee and only 44 comments. I think you should try again and have it be free chocolate! Nice selection of pictures. I think you should download a copy of MarsEdit to make it a little easier to format the pictures for your WordPress blog (and tag it, and pull quotes, and schedule posts etc).

  55. Michele Beck says:

    Awesome photos Anna. You are living the dream! Good for you! And I love seeing all the places you visit and truly get into the cultures not just touristy things. My daughter lives in Brazil if you want o go there. She would love to show you around!

  56. Nina says:

    I went to the DR last summer for 6 weeks! Had homemade coffee every morning 🙂 I miss it so much!

  57. Monica Sanchez Avila says:

    WOoow! I’m planning a trip with my boyfriend to travel around the world. Your blog and pictures are very inspiring, even if we don’t get to travel as much it’s still nice to see the world through other people’s experiences such as yours. Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey and never stop exploring! 😀 – Cheers from Mexico

    1. J Isner says:

      Mmmmm coffee

  58. Ariana Morningsong says:

    The D.R. What a beautiful country. And such great coffee!

  59. Todd DeTar says:

    Hi Anna! Beautiful pics. I’ve never tried coffee from there.
    The coffee that I’ve enjoyed the most was from Kona,
    Hawaii. I purchased the beans from a coffee farm that
    Had been growing coffee for over a hundred years, amazing!
    At any rate, I truly enjoy your blogs/pics/posts! Thanks

  60. Todd DeTar says:

    Ps, completely jealous about that Chocolate!! 🙂

  61. Catharine Hunter says:

    I want your job. I need that coffee just to keep up with your fantastic pictures and posts while I waste away in this dungeon under an airport terminal, watching other people travel around the world every day…*le sigh*

    (Kidding…I love my job! Almost as much as I love coffee!)

  62. Joe LaRoche says:

    Awesome photos, awesome blog, awesome travels and awesome looks-keep it going and have fun while it lasts!

  63. Esther Chuang says:

    Hello Anna! I hope you had an amazing week, I had a great week in Puerto Rico, way too much fun!!! Thank you so much for your recommendations about Puerto Rico, about the “gasolina”, I was at a local restaurant/bar and the owner game me one for free 🙂 I thought of you when you sent me the guide to Puerto Rico, I enjoyed my time in PR very much and I hope to meet you very soon. By the way, I love coffee and your BLOG!!!

  64. Max Horvath says:

    I need some extra strong beans to wake me up on Monday morning… M..

  65. Tiffany Douglas says:

    amazing dude. I'm glad I met ya so I can see these sweet adventures outta country 🙂

    1. Thomas Olivares says:

      Hey send me a messege sometimes so I know your alright ok?

  66. Paul says:

    Nice pics and website! Always enjoy seeing the pics and hearing the stories of your travels. Keep up the good work!

  67. Kyle says:

    Enjoy your site, the detailed posts with pics are fun to read. Looking forward to more tips and whenever you come out with a guide. 🙂

  68. Clem says:

    enjoy seeing your trips! lets enjoy some coffee!

  69. Majdi Sheikh says:

    P) nice pictures… I want to win 🙂

  70. Gloria says:

    One of my very first trips, was to Colorado, when I was about your age. One of my memories of that trip was waking every morning to some awesome robust coffee looking out at the mountains in Awe! Maybe our taste buds connect with our visual senses!! When I read your posts…it takes me back to that first adventure and many there after. Traveling is a enormous gift, to see this beautiful world and have a “taste” of what God has given us!

  71. Justin Peters says:

    Anna you’re so amazing. I want to travel with you!

  72. Salvador Castañeda says:

    Sounds delicious! Love the story your pictures tell

  73. Melanie says:

    Your pictures and posts make me want to travel to the D.R.! Absolutely amazing!

  74. Tracy Weidemann says:

    Love your pictures! Thank you for sharing your experience!

  75. Julia Van Klinken Myers says:

    Nothing better than Chocolate, coffee and adventure!

  76. Benjamin Franco says:

    You take amazing photos! I have the same adventure bug!

  77. Benjamin Franco says:

    Always great to see your beautiful photos. I have travelled extensively myself (not as much as you unfortunately, but trying to!). Thanks for sharing your adventures with the world.

  78. Cyndi Kincaid-Sheehan says:

    You are the only blogger I follow. Great posts!!

  79. Courtney says:

    I love coffee and traveling–awesome!

  80. Andrew Walker says:

    You inspire me. Very impressed with you ability to immerse yourself in new situations… it takes a rare breed. kudos to you…perhaps our paths will cross one day. -Andrew (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

    ps. i’ll be solo backpacking and scuba diving in thailand may 15-31..staying at NapPark in Bankgkok..haven’t decided where to stay in Phuket yet… i know you’re busy but feel free to msg me with any suggestions.

  81. Jessie says:

    Such cool/inspiring pictures!
    Cafe con leche por favor was the first phrase I HAD to learn when travelling in Spain
    Coffee coffee coffee 🙂
    Happy travels!

  82. Kacie Fenner says:


    I’m so glad I found your facebook and blog! Super jealous of the hot chocolate as I’m a complete chocoholic. 🙂 Can’t wait to see where your travels take you next. Thanx for sharing.


  83. Dawn Rebeck Winser says:

    Coffffffeeeeeee!!!! I need!

  84. Annie Pressley says:

    That is awesome! I have never heard of travel nanny. I was a nanny in Switzerland once.

  85. Rhobby San Agustin says:

    I been hunting for a honda moped like the one in the 8th picture.

  86. Greg purri says:

    Wow fresh. chocolate and fresh coffee! I cannot wait to follow your footsteps totheDominican Republic

  87. Alex Short says:

    Love all your adventures. Love traveling and coffee… Keep up your awesome lifestyle.☀

  88. Ian Ord – Where Sidewalks End says:

    That looks ridiculously delicious! What a fun experience!! I’ll have to get over there the next time I pass through the DR to give this a shot 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  89. Ryan says:

    Hi Anna,
    Great shots and thanks again for letting my wife and I borrow your computer in the coffe shop… Nice meeting you and safe travels!

  90. Jean Delgado says:

    Me need coffee. Me like coffee. Old woman. Coffee make life livable.

  91. Dana Carmel @ Time Travel Plans says:

    What a great experience! I absolutely love the Dominican Republic. I’m making note of that hot chocolate recipe – sounds so good! The Dominican Republic has really great coffee as well.

  92. Lew says:

    Tell me, does it smell amazing? I love the smell of hot chocolate.

  93. Nandu Vishan says:

    Nice…, Welcome to Gods own country…

  94. sol says:

    That’s so nice. Great to see where chocolate came from.

  95. 10 Inspiring Female Solo Travel Blogs To Follow | travel hacks says:

    […] mean she would compromise adventure for budget. Either it’s quad riding in Iceland or exploring chocolate plantations in Dominican Republic, her well documenting photos and contagious enthusiasm might left some marks […]

  96. Australia’s Airports Seeking to Provide More to their Passengers | The Legendary Adventures of Anna says:

    […] airports have far from fallen behind. Sydney Airport, which asserts itself as Australia’s busiest coffee hub, serving 63,000 cups of coffee a week, has recently celebrated its relationship with the dark […]

  97. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Anna. You have really done it. I hope to travel much too but still busy

  98. Mahmoud Mahdavi says:

    With complement and express my special thanks for your guidance and I hope to see you soon and travel all over the world together with , and moreover , I hereby invite you to come to Iran and I’ll be at your service during your stay in Iran and warmly welcome you sweetie .
    Nice to see you soon and take care of yourself , bye bye .

  99. Josef Blouta says:

    amazing photos I
    Love all your adventures

  100. Stephanie Be says:

    Love the behind-the-scenes look at this; it’s such the chocolate lover’s dream!

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